Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Vision of K-12 Students Today

This video speaks volumes to my soul as an educator.

Reflection #6: Can you hear me now?

I included this video because, today we are talking about sharing information online with our students and co-teachers this is the the way a lot of teachers think about technology in the class room.
Hearing is better than me trying to tell you or lecture you about the need of technology in the classroom.
When I started looking at this video, it remind me of my school, because must of my teacher feel that I have some can of magic in my classroom, due to the fact that some of my students never want to leave class. The one question I always ask my students is why are you doing so well in this class and are having problems in your other classes ? The answer is always the same, because I can see it, feel it, and hear it without anyone standing over my head lecturing me.
In this video not only can you hear it , but you can see it as well. One student knows the advantage of having computers  in class, while the other one don't and wonder why the other student has so many computer at her school for students to work on..
If we talk about  preparing our student to be 21st Century learner, we have to give them the tools to work with, therefore; what are we doing to do to prepare them for the future?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Delicious Network and Web 2.0

 Dr. Davis taught me a lot about looking up information as well as Dr.  Espinosa. This is the reason I still use the Star chart to do research on-line. This is the method that I teach my students as we as I do allow them to use Wikipedia, because they are not allowed on many sites, because of our restrictions and the County policy. These are skill I will use everyday in my professional and personal life.
I have been a very big fan of Delicious for two years and yet I learn more about it this week than ever before.
I have shared this information with my co-teachers about sites the visit on-line, however I did not know I could share information with them or they could share it with me. Thank you very much for this information.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Refection 4: ePortfolio

Use an ePortflolio as an assessment tool can help you as a technology education to keep up with where you are in your development as an technologist. There are so many advantages in using an ePortfolio.
1 The advantage of ePortfolio is it give the learner an opportunity to see the progress they are making while learning and seeing the rewards of their hard work while building an external and internal network.
2. The learner is allowed to share their information with other and can be integrated to open web services. As well as monitor their information that is shared with other informal or formal.
3. ePortfolio integrate seamlessly with any learning environment and can be extended with open web services.
4. The instruction is very simple to follow for any learner.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Reflective 3: Wiki How I use it.

I will use Wiki to share information with my co-teachers and students. This is a wonderful way for me to communication with everyone in my district as well as create lesson for my students to share in class discussions. I like the idea that I can invite them to my wiki for lthem to add their input to the discussions.