Thursday, December 1, 2011

What is Happen to Our Young People?

As I grow older and see the changes that are happening around me with our young people, I start to wonder if the world have change that much. We are now seeing children killing each other for shoes, phones, and other material things. Being very disrespectful to their elders and adults period.
They are not aware of what is going on in the world or what has happen in the past. I asked a question in class today. Who was the president that was involved in Watergate? Out of  twelve students not one knew the answer. Richard Nixon was the answer. Some of the students had no idea who I was talking about or even if he had ever been president. "Fredrick Douglas once said that if we forget the past we will make the same mistake again", This statement is so true today, because we are making the same mistakes we made in the past. We are killing each other for nothing but, few things that money can buy if you are willing to work for it.